Is it a ‘one-size-fits-all’ or a tailored approach in the job hunt?


Job applicants and career enthusiasts, imagine sending out applications like you’re sending tailored gifts, perfectly wrapped for each recipient. That’s the essence of tailoring your CV for every job application. But hey, we get it—writing a tailored CV for every job can seem like a daunting task, especially when you’re applying to multiple positions. So, should you tailor your CV for every role, or is a one-size-fits-all approach the way to go? Let’s dig into this dilemma and find the perfect fit for you.

Tailoring Your CV: The Power of Relevance

You’ve probably heard the saying, “One size doesn’t fit all.” Well, that’s true when it comes to CVs. Tailoring your CV involves customising your resume to align with the specific job you’re applying for. It’s like presenting the best version of yourself tailored to suit the expectations of a particular role.

Advantages of Tailoring Your CV:

Relevance is Key: By tailoring your CV, you can highlight the most relevant skills, experiences, and accomplishments that directly match the job requirements. This helps your CV stand out and grab the recruiter’s attention.

Increased Interview Chances: When your CV closely matches the job description, you’re more likely to pass through the initial screening processes, such as ATS, and secure an interview. You’re essentially putting your best foot forward for each application.

Demonstrates Genuine Interest: Tailoring your CV shows potential employers that you’re genuinely interested in the role and have taken the time to understand what they’re looking for in a candidate. It showcases your proactive approach and dedication.

Disadvantages of Tailoring Your CV:

Time-Consuming: Crafting a tailored CV for each application can be time-intensive. It involves carefully reviewing the job description, modifying content, and ensuring a perfect match, which may not always be feasible, especially if you’re applying to many positions.

Potential for Errors: The more you modify your CV, the higher the risk of errors or inconsistencies. It’s crucial to remain diligent and avoid accidentally overlooking important details in the tailoring process.

The Generalised CV: When One Fits Many

On the other side of the spectrum, we have the generalised CV—a versatile document that serves as your resume foundation. It’s a comprehensive snapshot of your skills, experiences, and qualifications, crafted to represent you across various job applications.

Advantages of a Generalized CV:

Time-Efficient: Having a generalised CV as your starting point saves time, especially when you’re applying to multiple roles. You can quickly tweak it to match specific applications without starting from scratch.

Broad Applicability: A generalised CV is useful for exploring different opportunities or fields. It can serve as your introduction in various networking scenarios or when you’re reaching out to potential employers.

Disadvantages of a Generalized CV:

Potential Lack of Relevance: Since a generalised CV is not tailored to a specific role for a specific employer, it may not highlight the most relevant qualifications and experiences for a particular role. This can reduce the impact of your application.

ATS Screening Challenges: Without tailoring, your CV may not contain the necessary keywords and details to pass through the initial ATS screening, possibly resulting in your application being overlooked.

Striking a Balance: Your Best Approach

Finding the right approach involves striking a balance. Maintaining a well-organised “Master CV” while also being prepared to customise key sections—like the professional summary, skills, and work experience—can be the winning formula. Your CV should mirror your career journey and be adaptable to the diverse roles you’re targeting.

Ultimately, whether you lean towards a tailored or generalised CV depends on the role, your preferences, and the effort you’re willing to invest. It’s about finding what suits you best in your unique job-hunting journey. One common mistake applicants make is relying on assumptions. Seeking guidance from peers and experts is crucial to ensure you’re on the right track.


As an immigrant and digital marketing professional I’ve been on this. I’ve faced the same questions, self-doubts, and tons of rejections that you might be going through. The key for me was finding the right guidance and support, which is probably what you’re looking for in your job search too.

So, let me share what I believe is a great approach. Start by picking 5-10 job postings that genuinely interest you. Highlight the common required skills in those postings and match them with your own skillset. Build a robust CV and Cover Letter based on this analysis. Save these as a ‘generalised CV and Cover Letter’ set.

Next, upload this set on job portals to maximise your applications without spending too much time. Then, whenever you have some free time, especially on weekends or your days off, tweak these documents to tailor them for roles you’re truly passionate about. This way, you can increase your number of applications while saving time by not customising the CV and Cover Letter for every single role. Plus, you enhance your chances of landing more interviews.

Above all, don’t just stop here. If you think Let’s Grow Together could support you in your job search, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Book a free consultation call with us. We’re here to assist you and address any questions you may have.


To sum up, there’s no definite right or wrong path. The approach you choose depends on various factors that align with your objective of securing a job. It encompasses the time dedicated to fostering meaningful connections, creating tailored application materials, and honing skills over time.

In job search, a well-tailored CV can be your winning card, giving you the best chance at landing that dream job. Yet, the versatility of a generalised CV cannot be underestimated—it’s your reliable companion when you’re casting a wide net.

The art lies in knowing when to be specific and when to stay broad. It’s about blending customisation with efficiency. So, go ahead, craft your tailored tales, and build a career that perfectly fits you! Eager to ace your job search? Book a free consultation call and let’s kickstart your journey together!

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